Saturday, January 31, 2015

Let's talk about money!

Many users pay to be in top of event, arena or tournament. My question is which is the term that you enjoy this top? The answer is, about a month! Yes one month, the game evolves so as to be forced to pay continuously. If you buy an item on gems now, after a month that item will be accessibility to collect it within 10 minutes and other new items will appear. Today 31/01/2015 the event has introduced a new set of earrings, this is their way to force you to spend GOLD and GEMS, and the next event which will start in a few days to catch you unprepared and force you paid to make full set. My advice is to go out and spend money on beer, candy, dgurs or chocolate, not in this game. Play just for fun and you will succeed and you keep yourself on the surface. I personally pay 5 euro only once time, after that I managed to survive without paying. Feel free and express your own dissatisfaction about this game. So look, sketch this game: Evolve -> Pay -> Gems -> Old item -> Evolve -> Pay -> Gems -> Old item -> .....(* N)


  1. I think you need make New town because its small!
    and make potions for gold too!!!
    and think about new lvl dificulity maps - because i this game can kill al and eevery where with 1 hit1 all my guild can doo that

  2. My acct was started through yahoo games. I cant use any of these links or play it through any other site without it starting me over at level 1 with a new acct.

  3. I think the thing with Relic becoming obsolete as fast as it was ended up being something unplanned by Rumble.

    The difficulty was way too low (pre-stat nerfs for Platinum) and it was not power locked so it was too easy to obtain.

    I think with the new mythic sets it will hold value for at least 2-3 cycles.

    Also the tournament Tristones (Greater Darkheart and the current set) hold their value as they take immense resources to level up. I honestly wish I knew they were going to cycle out some of the base tristones like Fire/Lightning or I would have held on to more and leveled them to legendary.

  4. Joe King, there is a way to get your tokens through yahoo..

  5. Yo pienso lo mismo, no gasto dinero ni en este juego ni en ninguno. Pienso que no merece la pena gastar dinero para ser mejor que los demas, porque el que tiene o puede siempre lo va a ser. Lo bueno es jugar y subir con el esfuerzo de cada uno y no con la cuenta bancaria. Prefiero gastar el dinero en mi o en mis hijos, las cervezas son una buena opcion ;)

  6. Of course the game was created for us to spend money. It obviously takes immense resources to create and maintain a game like this. It's not like the people who went to school to create these games are working for free, game companies aren't exactly non profit. OF COURSE they want us to spend money. My advice... spend money on whatever you enjoy

  7. sinceramente ho speso 30 o 40 euro in questo gioco ma non ne è valsa la pena perche evolvendo si ottengono nuovi oggetti e poi perche con gli eventi giocando gratis acquizisci molto piu potere. ragazzi il mio consiglio è: divertitevi giocando non pagate in denaro.

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  10. Here's something for you guys to think about. "Kingsroad can adjust the drop rate for each individual client". Lets say I'm a paying client and I slack off a bit on the amount of gems I buy one week. If my drop rate suddenly goes down and I see my friends getting full sets while I'm sitting there getting multiple duplicates I'm going to get choked and probably whip out my credit card or fire up paypal to try to compete. Don't ever think your in control of the game. You are being manipulated.

  11. I play silver event each time with my 60 knight or archer. It is way easier to collect 9 tokens vs. 15. I also like to play them because I can solo those events and not have to wait or find other players. I've also noticed, that other than gold or platinum events or tournaments, there is nothing anywhere else in the game that I don't kill with 1 or 2 hits/shots. Most of my time now is helping lower players/guild members develop their characters. This is also rewarding and satisfying. I feel that platinum gear is just fluff and only serves to satisfy someone's ego. There is no need to spend real money for virtual stuff.

    1. I too am playing for the game play and to help others. I sometimes do gold but rarely do plat events. The difference in stats above silver is not enough to excite me. As far as spending money.....just keep pushing the "don't spend money on this game", and the game will go away. If Rumble doesn't make a profit on it then why keep it alive. In the end, people who have disposable cash are gonna spend it.

  12. I think it's hardly possible to play this game without spending any cash.. But anyway, it's not about spending, it's about ENJOYING the game, the atmosphere, interacting with other players, making new friends etc.
